Applied for Executive PG Programme for ML/AI by upGrad

Arijeet Saha
1 min readMay 24, 2023

Artificial intelligence technologies are transforming business processes and society at large. AI and machine learning jobs have jumped by almost 75 percent over the past four years and are poised to keep growing. AI continues to transform our world as companies look to win over consumers with intelligent experiences delivered in real time on smartphones, smart TVs, smart cars — smart everything. But along with new opportunities, organizations are also finding new challenges as they seek to cross the AI chasm.

With the high demand and rising trends in ML/AI, I have applied for Executive PG Programme in Machine Learning & AI by IIITB in association with upGrad. Waiting eagerly to get started and immensely excited to what is in store.

In case you have a similar interest or are planning to explore any other course provided by upGrad, you can use my invite link or use my referral code OTVXGA to get discounts. Keep learning and stay relevant!

upGrad Invite link

upGrad Referral Code — OTVXGA

